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Funny Response to Why You Want to Join the Hash House Harriers

Decisions, decisions! Everyone needs to make a decision or get an answer to a question at one time or another, and the required answer is often yes or no. Your own experiences may lead you to make choices that are influenced by the past, and your friends or family will have the same problem.

There's only one way to get a definitive answer when you can't make the decision yourself, and that is to use our YES or NO online tool.

The answer you receive will be purely random. There is no hidden meaning to a yes or no answer, it simply is what it is. Receiving the answer will allow you to get past the question that has been bugging you, or enable you to have a little fun. There's nothing better than being released from the pressure of having to make a decision yourself!

Keeping unanswered questions in your mind is a distraction that most of us can do without. Even questions that may seem unimportant to others can keep you up at night, so the simplicity of random yes or no answers can calm your mind and help you to get on with the other important things in your life.

Random answers don't involve weighing up the pros and cons, are free from judgment, and can provide an escape from the problems that surround the decision-making process. Your past experiences, what you know about a situation, the effort required to do something, the cost of an item, and numerous other factors can influence any decision you make. If you just want a clear yes or no, a random answer is the best way to get clarity without factoring in any external issues.

The simplicity of such answers gives you freedom. Your question is resolved, and you can now begin to act on the answer. Science has shown that we can only make a certain number of decisions during the daytime before we experience "decision fatigue" - many successful business people wear the same color and style of clothing every day so they do not have to choose what to wear, thereby reducing the onset of decision fatigue. Instead of asking yourself if you should wear a particular outfit today, get a random yes or no answer to make the decision for you.

Yes or no answers don't need an explanation and can be obtained whenever you need an easy answer to a problem you are thinking about.

What can you use the Yes or No tool for?

You can use the yes or no wheel and button to simply obtain the answer you need to any closed question that you can think of! Whatever you want an answer for, the Yes or No wheel and button will provide the answer you need.

Yes or no answers and methods of determining an answer have been around for a long time. Perhaps you have picked a flower to pull the petals off one by one, repeating the mantra, "He loves me, he loves me not" - it's just a variation of a random yes or no answer. Does the number of petals on a flower predict success in matters of the heart? No, it is purely random but thoroughly entertaining.

Yes or no answers can provide a swift end to arguments, and help you make a decision. Because the answer is a simple yes or no, there is no room for debate. Should you buy that item? Should you go to that party? Will your sports team win? It's fun to give it a try, and everyone can think of a question they would like an answer to.

You can use the yes or no wheel and button to play games with your friends, even something as simple as guessing which answer will come up next. Use it to choose places to visit, or decide who has to do a task next - is it my turn? Yes or no will give you the answer.

Yes or no answer can help you make choices, make decisions, end arguments, play games, and have fun. There is no more decisive way to answer a question that with a firm yes or no, and the yes or no wheel and button will provide that answer for you. Are you ready to give it a try? Yes or no?

What is the difference between open and closed questions?

A closed question can be answered by saying "yes" or "no", whereas an open question will need other words of explanation. For example, "How did you get here?" is an open question and will include a description of a journey in the answer. If the question is, "Did you drive here?" then the answer will be a simple yes or no.

Open questions are great for starting and continuing conversations but aren't always great for making decisions. Getting a yes or no answer to a question allows a decision to be made, there is a definite answer, and there are no options to consider. Consider the difference between "What do you want to eat?" and "Would you like to eat a sandwich?" - one invites discussion, while the other is a yes or no answer.

The interesting thing about a closed question is what it can reveal about your mind. If you are trying to make a decision and use the "yes or no" wheel or button, you'll get an answer to your question. When you have subconsciously made a decision already, getting the "wrong" answer will make you feel unhappy - so even if you don't accept the yes or no answer as the right answer, you'll know how you really feel about it.

How do polar questions help you understand other people?

Most questions you will ask other people will be open questions as you want to know more about the person you are talking to. However, many questions you ask yourself will be closed. Will I be in time to catch the bus? Does this look good on me? Will anyone notice if I do this?

You already know a lot about yourself and don't need an explanatory answer for the questions you are asking – but if you want information from someone else, you need more than a yes or no.

However, there are many polar questions you can ask that will help you understand other people by just receiving a yes or no answer. Do you like this particular kind of food? Have you heard music from this band? Do you always wear a hat?

While the question may seem like a dead-end, it can lead to interesting conversations. If someone doesn't like a certain kind of food, maybe there's an interesting reason why. And people who always wear a hat must have a story to tell!

Polar questions will elicit a quick answer - it is very easy to say yes or no, but more difficult to explain your reasoning or thought process. If you want to get a conversation started or simply understand a situation, a polar question with a yes or no answer can be very revealing.

Asking a series of questions to get yes or no answers will often be answered more freely than in-depth probing questions, but you can find out the information you need without causing too much stress.

If you're choosing somewhere to eat, asking "where do you want to go?" can lead to an hour-long discussion, but saying, "Do you like Indian? (No) What about Italian? (No) How about a sub sandwich? (Yes!)" can get to the root of the matter in moments. You can discuss anything in this manner, not just superficial issues like where to eat, and asking the right questions can lead to a deep understanding of the other person.

Funny questions to ask friends

You know your friends very well, and you are fully aware of their quirks. Funny questions to ask your friends can relate to their habits, what they are wearing, or how they act around certain people. The funniest questions to ask your friends are the ones that will make them laugh as they understand how different everyone is.

  • Are you feeling better today?

  • May I use the bathroom?

  • Is the prime rib a special tonight?

  • Should I date him?

  • Will you please do me a favor?

Love questions for couples

Asking "do you love me?" is always a question couples can ask each other, but there are better questions to ask. Remember shared experiences, things your partner likes to do, and create a question around those things. See if they remember the little things as well as you do!

  • Have you already completed your homework?

  • Is that your final answer?

  • Were you planning on becoming a fireman?

  • Should I call her and sort things out?

  • Is it wrong to want to live on my own at this age?

  • Shall we make dinner together tonight?

Questions to ask your self, to find out who you are

You can discover a lot about what drives and motivates you by asking yourself some simple questions. Would you ever do a certain thing? How would you react in difficult situations? You can probe your fears and understand the reasons you do the things you do by asking questions that only you know the answers to.

  • Could I possibly be a messier house guest?

  • Might I be of service to you ladies this evening?

  • Did that man walk by the house before?

  • Can I help you with that?

  • May I please have a bite of that pie?

  • Would you like to go to the movies tonight?

Kid friendly questions

Kids might appreciate questions about their favorite TV shows, games, and meals. Kid friendly questions don't need to be deep, but they do need to be fun. If a question is fun, a kid is more likely to answer it and be ready for further questions. When the question makes a kid laugh, you know it's a good one.

  • Is math your favorite subject?

  • Does four plus four equal eight?

  • Is that haunted house really scary?

  • Will you be going to Grandmother's house for Christmas?

  • Did Dad make the cake today?

  • Is there a Mass being held at noon?

  • Are you pregnant?


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